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Paper cutting is a traditional folk art form with a long history. It can be dated back to the Eastern Han Dynasty. In traditional Chinese culture, paper-cuts can reflect various aspects of life such as prosperity, health or harvest.

Although other art forms, like painting, can also show similar scenes, paper-cuts still stand out for its charm. Today, paper-cuts are chiefly used as decorations.

Chinese people believe that the red paper-cuts on the door can bring good luck and happiness to the whole family. The paper-cuts are more often seen during traditional Chinese festivals, particularly in the Spring Festival.


剪纸(paper cutting)有着悠久的历史,是传统的民间艺术形式。它可以追溯到东汉时期。在中国的传统文化中,剪纸可以反映生活的许多方面,如繁荣、健康或收获。虽然其他艺术形式,如绘画,也可以显示类似的景象,但剪纸仍然以它的魅力脱颖而出。





现在,剪纸更多地是用于装饰.剪纸可用于点缀墙壁、门窗、房柱、镜子、灯和灯笼等,也可为礼品作点缀之用,甚至剪纸本身也可作为礼物赠送他人 .人们以前还常把剪纸作绣花和喷漆艺术的模型.

剪纸不是用机器而是由手工做成的,常用的方法有两种:剪刀剪和刀剪.顾名思义,剪刀剪是借助于剪刀,剪完后再把几张(一般不超过 8 张)剪纸粘贴起来,最后再用锋利的剪刀对图案进行加工.刀剪则是先把纸张折成数叠,放在由灰和动物脂肪组成的松软的混和体上,然后用小刀慢慢刻划.剪纸艺人一般是竖直握刀,根据一定的模型将纸加工成所要的图案.和剪刀相比,刀剪的一个优势就是一次可以加工成多个剪纸图案.



Paper cutting can be seen in many parts of China during the Spring Festival.People paste patterns on the window,door lintel or desks for the festival atmosphere.

It's difficult to tell when it originated.One saying is that it originated from the religious ceremony or offering sacrifices.The ancient people cut papers into animals or people.They either buried them with the dead or burned them on the funerals,wishing that things that paper stand for could be with the dead.A thousand years ago,paper cut was used for decoration.According to historic books,women in the Tang Dynasty used paper cut as headdress.In the Song Dynasty,it was the decoration of the gifts.People pasted on windows or doors or used it as decorations on walls,mirrors or lanterns.Some people made a living by it.

Paper cutting is all made by hand.It is easy to learn the rudiments.Non-craftsmen need only a knife and paper.For craftsman,they need knives and gravers of various types to make complicated patterns.It can be one piece of paper or many pieces.Simple patterns can be cut with a knife.For complicated patterns,people first pasted the pattern on the paper and then used various kinds of knives to make it.No mistake can be made during the process otherwise the work would fail.


剪纸是中国最为流行的民间艺术之一,根据考古其历史可追朔到公元六世纪,但人们认为它的实际开始时间比这还要早几百年。剪纸常用于宗教仪式,装饰和造型艺术等方面。 在过去,人们经常用纸做成形态各异的物像和人像,与死者一起下葬或葬礼上燃烧,这一习俗在中国境外有时仍可见到。剪纸艺术一般都有象征意义,也是这种仪式的一部分;此外剪纸还被用作祭祀祖先和神仙所用供品的装饰物。 现在, 剪纸更多地是用于装饰。剪纸可用于点缀墙壁、门窗、房柱、镜子、灯和灯笼等,也可为礼品作点缀之用,甚至剪纸本身也可作为礼物赠送他人 。人们以前还常把剪纸作绣花和喷漆艺术的模型。 剪纸不是用机器而是由手工做成的,常用的方法有两种:剪刀剪和刀剪。顾名思义,剪刀剪是借助于剪刀,剪完后再把几张(一般不超过 8 张)剪纸粘贴起来,最后再用锋利的剪刀对图案进行加工。刀剪则是先把纸张折成数叠,放在由灰和动物脂肪组成的松软的混和体上,然后用小刀慢慢刻划。剪纸艺人一般是竖直握刀,根据一定的模型将纸加工成所要的图案。和剪刀相比,刀剪的一个优势就是一次可以加工成多个剪纸图案。 在农村,剪纸通常是由妇女、姑娘们来做。在过去,这可是每个女孩所必须掌握的手工艺术,并且还被人们来品评新娘的一个标准。而职业的剪纸艺人则常常是男人,因为只有男人才能在作坊里一起劳作并挣工钱。 中国剪纸艺术英语介绍 Paper cutting can be seen in many parts of China during the Spring Festival. People paste patterns on the window, door lintel or desks for the festival atmosphere。 It's difficult to tell when it originated. One saying is that it originated from the religious ceremony or offering sacrifices. The ancient people cut papers into animals or people. They either buried them with the dead or burned them on the funerals, wishing that things that paper stand for could be with the dead. A thousand years ago, paper cut was used for decoration. According to historic books, women in the Tang Dynasty used paper cut as headdress. In the Song Dynasty, it was the decoration of the gifts. People pasted on windows or doors or used it as decorations on walls, mirrors or lanterns. Some people made a living by it. Paper cutting is all made by hand. It is easy to learn the rudiments. Non-craftsmen need only a knife and paper. For craftsman, they need knives and gravers of various types to make complicated patterns. It can be one piece of paper or many pieces. Simple patterns can be cut with a knife. For complicated patterns, people first pasted the pattern on the paper and then used various kinds of knives to make it. No mistake can be made during the process otherwise the work would fail.


Jianzhi (剪纸), is a traditional style of papercutting in China. Jianzhi has been practiced in China since at least the 6th century A.D. Jianzhi has a number of distinct uses in Chinese culture, almost all of which are for health, prosperity or decorative purposes. Red is the most commonly used color. Jianzhi cuttings often have a heavy emphasis on Chinese characters symbolizing the Chinese Zodiacanimals.

Paper cutting decorating the Filipinoparol

Although paper cutting is popular around the globe, only the Chinese paper cut was listed in theUNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists, which was in 2009.[3] The Chinese paper-cutting was recognized and listed because it has a history of more than 1500 years and it represents cultural values of the people throughout China.

Modern paper cutting has developed into a commercial industry. Papercutting remains popular in contemporary China, especially during special events like the Chinese New Year or weddings.




Paper cutting is one of China’s most popular traditional folk arts.


Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.


People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings. During the Spring Festival and wedding celebrations, in particular, paper cuttings are used to decorate doors, windows and rooms in order to enhance the joyous atmosphere.


The color most frequently used in paper cutting is red, which symbolizes health and prosperity. Chinese paper cutting is very popular around the world and it is often given as a present to foreign friends.



剪纸(paper cutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。 中国剪纸有_千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。人们常用剪纸美化居家环境。特别是在 春节和婚庆期间,剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛。 剪纸最常用的'颜色是红色,象征健康和兴旺。中国剪纸在世界各地 很受欢迎,经常被用作馈赠外国友人的礼物。


Paper cutting is one of China’s most popular traditional folk arts. Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings. During the Spring Festival and wedding celebrations, in particular, paper cuttings are used to decorate doors,windows and rooms in order to enhance the joyous atmosphere. The color most frequently used in paper cutting is red, which symbolizes health and prosperity. Chinese paper cutting is very popular around the world and it is often given as a present to foreign friends.



1.这段文章中比较难的词语有“美化”、“居家环境”、“婚庆”、“装饰”等,这些词英文中没有明确对应的词,考生在翻译时应该抓住词的根本意思进行翻译。如“美化”可译为make…more beautiful。

2.分析句子结构,抓住主干。比如,第一句“剪纸( paper cutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。”“剪纸”是主语,“是”是谓语,“中国最为流行的……..之一”是表语,基本可以断定,本句转化为英文时是一个主系表结构的句子。


4.剪纸有着悠久的历史,是传统的民间艺术形式:从整个句子来看该句有两个谓语动词,即“有着”和“是”,可将其中的“有着”翻译为with短语,即with a long history,"是”则用be动词来表示。“民间艺术”可译为folk art。

5.中国人认为门上的红色剪纸可以给全家人带来好运和幸福:“认为”可译为believe,也可译为think或consider后可跟宾语从句。“给…带来…”可译为bring…to...,其他带有bring的常用的短语还有bring(培养,养有)、bring in(引起,介绍)、bring about(引起,导致)。




急!用英语介绍中国剪纸艺术 剪纸是中国最为流行的民间艺术之一,根据考古其历史可追朔到公元六世纪,但人们认为它的实际开始时间比这还要早几百年。剪纸常用于宗教仪式,装饰和造型艺术等方面。 在过去,人们经常...

