


汉服,即汉民族传统服饰,,正式名称为华夏衣冠,古又称汉装、华服、汉衣冠等。汉服起源于华夏文明肇始的炎黄时代,定型于春秋战国,汉民族在汉朝正式形成后遂有汉服之名。此后,历朝历代均有沿革,但其基本特点从未改变。汉服大体上可分为周汉汉服、魏晋南北朝汉服、隋唐汉服、宋明汉服四个发展阶段,周汉风格古朴凝重,魏晋风格潇洒飘逸,隋唐风格雍容华贵, 宋明两朝为汉服的集大成时代, 古朴、典雅、华贵、明快等多种风格并存,百花齐放,形成了蔚为大观的汉服体系。满清入关后,汉服在满清政府“削发易服”的民族压迫政策下被人为禁止。此后,代表中国文化的正统华夏衣冠——汉服,从中华大地基本消失。











对于“华夏”一词究竟做何解,当然还有其它的观点。然而在世人心中华夏民族与礼仪之大和服章之美密不可分,却是毋庸置疑的。 由此可见衣冠服饰和礼仪制度、思想文化一样,是中国传统文化中不可分割的重要一环。中华古老的服饰文化绚丽多彩,与民族属性息息相关。中国也因此自古以来被尊称为“衣冠上国”、“礼仪之邦”。

《易经 . 系辞》云:“黄帝尧舜垂衣裳而天下治,盖取诸乾坤。”也就是说,早在黄帝时代,古老华夏的服饰就已经相当有规模了。而且服饰形制取诸乾坤天地,意义就更不寻常。




Han served, that is, the traditional costume of the Han nationality, formally known as the Chinese dressed, also known as the ancient Chinese equipment, and services to China and Chinese dressed, and so on. Han served in the origin of Chinese civilization Yanhuang beginning of the era, in the shape of the Spring and Autumn, an official of the Han nationality in the Han Dynasty was formed there in the name of serving the Han. Since then, the historical evolution of all ages, but never changed its basic characteristics. Han served on the whole service can be divided into the Han Zhou, Wei and Jin Han clothing, Sui, Tang and Han clothing, Han Song served four stages of development, Zhou style dignified simplicity, elegant chic style of the Wei, Jin, Sui and Tang dynasties Yongronghuagui style, Song and Ming Dynasties Han served as the master of the times, simple, elegant, Wah Kwai, crisp style and other co-exist, letting a hundred flowers bloom, the formation of the Han Weiweidaguan service system. Manqingruguan, Han served in the government of the Qing Dynasty, "Thinning easy to serve" the national policy of oppression under the prohibition of human being. Since then, representatives of the orthodox Chinese culture, Chinese dressed - Chinese clothes, disappeared from the land of China.

The main features of Chinese clothing is to pay the right collar overlapping part of Chinese gown, the band deducted hidden, Kuanpao big sleeves, no buttons, and use string binding, giving the impression of free and easy flowing, the characteristics of these obviously are different from those of other ethnic costumes. Han and dressed in uniforms or dress suits are divided, strict standard dress for formal occasions, wear costumes; general dressed in uniforms or remove large sleeves for the common people daily. Dressed to (Chinese service), courtesy (Han-li) for the characterization of China, was dressed as the neighboring country, Liyizhibang.

Han is a service campaign aimed at revitalization of the traditional costumes of the Han nationality for the media to lead people to strengthen the traditional culture of the concerns and thinking, the Chinese recovered the lost plot by the Chinese service-oriented material and spiritual civilization, and ultimately to the traditional Chinese culture The transformation of modern social and cultural renaissance movement.

"China has a service called Chapter of the United States and China, that great ritual of summer", and dressed Chinese (Chinese services) is not in the form of the ceremony, but the nation's history and heritage, the roots of the nation, the Chinese service of the United States to be more ceremonial Relying on the large. The British ceremony has been respected, young and old, orderly and strict interpretation of the norms of Chinese society ideals, and the solemn, pure and simple Zhou's better to play the ceremony content.

Han served a broad scope of the ceremony, the rite of passage in the form of point to the connotation of Chinese civilization, it is serving the Han and Hui, the unity ceremony.


Author: Wind-day环佩/ Jianjia Wind / Luck Welcoming

Talking about the traditional culture renaissance, almost everyone was well supported however, said Han rehabilitation services, they are still divergent views. Why renaissance? In this regard, although a lot of water, love the Chinese people have a lot of clothes, but a real understanding of the people there are not many. If you do not mind, I slowly Congtoushuiqi from talking about more than 3000 years ago.

First of all, we have to understand the meaning of "Chinese."

We all know that they are Chinese people, the result of a wanderer overseas also referred to as "overseas Chinese." However, what is "Chinese"?

See the phrase "Zuo Zhuan" - "China has great manners, so that summer; have served chapter of the United States and that of China."

"Huaxia" What do HO solution, of course, the other point of view. However, in the hearts of the Chinese nation and the people of the world's largest ceremonial kimono chapter of the United States and inseparable from, but it is beyond doubt. Can be seen dressed costumes and etiquette systems, ideology and culture, traditional Chinese culture is an integral important part. Chinese ancient culture, colorful costumes, and the nation is closely related to property. China has also been known since ancient times as "dressed on the country", "Liyizhibang."

"Book of Changes. Copulative": "Yellow Emperor Yao and Shun down clothes and rule the world, using come from to build the course of events." In other words, as early as the era of the Yellow Emperor, ancient Chinese costumes have been on quite a scale. Costumes and shapes the course of events generated from Heaven and Earth, the significance is even more unusual.

In the Zhou Dynasty, although in the modern sense before the formation of the Han nationality, but the Chinese civilization has green and luxuriant.

With a civilization, it is necessary to determine the identity of a series of landmark things Canopy system is one of the service.

We have long focused on an issue in fashion, so can be called "dressed on the" why. Weeks of the service system is deeply affected by the rules of the three thousand years later the idea of wearing apparel, clothing regardless of how the post from the ever-changing, the key elements are always maintained. That is: get the right to pay overlapping part of Chinese gown, without deduction knot Ying, Yi bao big sleeves.


牛仔裤的由来 牛仔裤,英文名为“Jeans”,最早记载于1567年,是对来自意大利港口城市那亚(Genoa)祥的商船水手所穿的裤子的称谓,捷即“或“Genoese”Genes”。从19世纪60年代开始“Jeans”这个响当当的名字才被利维公司正式采用 ,在这之前人们把它称之为“齐腰工装裤”(Waist High Over all)、“裤子”(Pantaloons)。

说起牛仔裤,人们自然会想起1849年美国那次淘金潮,当时第一批踏上美国大陆的移民,他们可以说是一穷二白,他们不得不拼命的工作。强烈的劳动使得衣服极易磨损,特别是在1849年矿工们一窝蜂涌进加利福尼亚州,形成了当时著名的淘金潮。由于衣料非常容易破损,人们迫切希望有一种耐穿的衣服在这种背景下,坚实、耐用的牛仔裤应运而生。利维 斯特劳斯(Levi Strauss)被公认为是牛仔裤的发明者。 1850年,他所创立的利维公司(Levi`s)生产的501牛仔裤就是世人所知的牛仔裤的鼻祖了。30年代中期 ,在美国中西部农业地带几乎人人都穿的牛仔裤第一次被带到密西西比河以东的繁华都市,从此牛仔裤开始步入流行服装的行列。


在人们的印象中,经典的牛仔裤应该是这样的:靛蓝色、纯棉斜纹布、臀部紧身、中低腰短裆设计、裤腿略小、拷钮 、缉明线、贴袋、钉标牌等装饰。 然而,最早的牛仔裤并不是就跟我们所想象中的那样。牛仔裤的鼻祖--利维公司,它所推出的501牛仔裤可以说是牛仔裤的经典之作。 下面我们就以它的发展过程来回溯一下牛仔裤从诞生到经典的变迁:









1941年--取消了牛仔裤前开襟下部的铆钉。 二战期间去掉了后腰蝴蝶结及表袋铆钉,而后袋的双拱式线迹则由印制的相似图形来代替。一枚月桂树叶代替了拷钮上的标志“L.S.Co.S.F.Cal.”。







1983年--由于织机技术的改进,使得门幅增宽,红裤边消失。 进入90年代,科技的高速发展使得制作牛仔裤的工艺大大提高,加上时间的积累令牛仔裤获得了今天的完善结构。

The origin of jeans jeans, the English called "Jeans", first recorded in 1567, is from the Italian port city of that Asia (Genoa) Cheung merchant sailor pants worn by the title, the Czech Republic that is, "or the" Genoese "Genes" . From the 19th century, 60s, "Jeans" The big names Caibei Levy company officially adopted it before this one called "waist overalls" (Waist High Over all), "pants" (Pantaloons) .

Speaking of jeans, it is natural to think that the U.S. gold rush in 1849, when the first immigrants set foot on the U.S. mainland, they can say is poor and white, they had to work hard. Strong labor makes clothes easy to wear, especially in the 1849 influx of miners rush to California, formed when the famous gold rush. As the cloth is very easy to break, people eager to have a wear clothes in this context, a solid, durable jeans came into being. Levi Strauss (Levi Strauss) is recognized as the inventor of jeans. In 1850, the company he founded Levi (Levi `s) the production of 501 jeans is known around the world originator of the jeans. 30 mid-western agricultural areas in the United States, almost everyone wore jeans for the first time was taken to the bustling city east of the Mississippi, from jeans, stepped into the ranks of popular clothing.

During World War II, the U.S. authorities designated as military uniforms jeans, jeans with a large number of deep heart of Europe the Allies. After the war the soldiers returned to the United States, a large number of accumulated jeans for sale on the ground because of this trousers beautiful, practical, durable, but also cheap, so popular in the local. So the local clothing manufacturers in Europe have to emulate the original American goods, so jeans popular in Europe, became popular. Hollywood's entertainment industry on the international pop culture driven jeans played a role can not be underestimated. During the 50 years of famous films such as "unprovoked resistance", "Family and dreamed," and so on, the film's protagonists are comfortable, elegant jeans, big star to guide those under the influence of the trend, jeans became a fashion at the time signs.

In people's minds, classic jeans should look like this: indigo, cotton twill, buttocks tight, the low-waist short-crotch design, legs slightly smaller, copy button, Ji-open wire, paste bag, nail plate and other decorations. However, the first pair of jeans is not the imagination was one of us as. The originator of jeans - Levi company introduced its 501 jeans can be said that jeans classic. Here we develop a process for its jeans back about the changes from birth to the classic:

1855 - After the first pair of jeans only one bag, and not York.

1872 - Pioneer reinforced with metal rivets, jeans force area.

1873 - from the gray to indigo jeans. After the bags decorated with orange stitch double arch.

1886 - Signs of the pattern to lower back to two horses from the Little Man.

1890 - with bags and after a table of York.

1905 - plus a second after the bag, thus there are five pocket jeans in the form of fixed down.

1922 - additional belt loops at waistband.

1937 - after the bags of rivets to be hiding inside.

1941 - abolition of the lower part of the rivet jeans front cardigan. Remove the lower back during World War II and Table Bow Bag rivets, and then double-bag from arch stitch similar printed graphics instead. 1 bay leaf instead of a copy button on the signs "LS Co.SFCal.".

1947 - arch stitch reappear.

1950 - to be fashionable with the trend of slim pants cut more the style.

1955 - began producing the 501 jeans with zippers.

1959 - developed after shrinking were jeans.

1966 - imposed after the horn section rod pockets instead of short-track riveted.

1971 - red sign by the Cheung "LEVI` S "into Czech" Levi `s".

1983 - As technology improved loom, making width broadening, red pants edge disappear. Into the 90's, the rapid development of technology makes the production of jeans in the process greatly enhanced the accumulation of time to make jeans with today's improved access to the structure.



中国旗袍文化的英文翻译_ 翻译


Chinese cheongsam culture






“中国旗袍会”(英文名称:China Cheongsam Association。简称:CCA),2014年3月注册,并在国家商标局进行了商标图案注册、国家知识版权中心做了产权保护;中国旗袍会是一个由旗袍服饰行业、旗袍文化学术机构、文化策划人、旗袍爱好者代表联合构成的社会组织。它将致力打造一个联合各方力量的综合平台,以完全创新的思维推广中国传统旗袍文化,为中国旗袍文化和旗袍产业发展壮大、走向世界而起到积极的平台引导作用。



Main article: Chinese art

Chinese art has varied throughout its ancient history, divided into periods by the ruling dynasties of China and changing technology, as well as influenced by great philosophers, teachers and religion. Early forms of art in China were made from pottery and jade in the Neolithic period, to which was added bronze in the Shang Dynasty. The Shang are most remembered for their bronze casting, noted for its clarity of detail. Early Chinese music and poetry was influenced by the Book of Songs, Confucius and the Chinese poet and statesman Qu Yuan. Early Chinese music was based on percussion instruments, which later gave away to string and reed instruments.

In early imperial China, porcelain was introduced and was refined to the point that in English the word China has become synonymous with high-quality porcelain. Around the 1st century AD, Buddhism arrived in China, though it did not become popular until the 4th century. At this point, Chinese Buddhist art began to flourish, a process which continued through the 8th century. Around this period, several well-known Chinese poets influenced Chinese poetry, which included Cao Cao and his sons and Tao Qian. It was during the period of Imperial China that calligraphy and painting became highly appreciated arts in court circles, with a great deal of work done on silk until well after the invention of paper.

Buddhist architecture and sculpture thrived in the Sui and Tang dynasties, and the Tang dynasty was particularly open to foreign influence. Buddhist sculpture returned to a classical form, inspired by Indian art of the Gupta period. Toward the end of the Tang dynasty, all foreign religions were outlawed to support Taoism. Also during this period, Chinese poetry thrived and the Tang is considered the "Golden age" of Chinese poetry. In this period, the greatest Chinese poets, Li Po and Du Fu composed their poems. Late Tang poetry was marked by the influence of two poets, Li Shangyin and Li Yu, the latter of whom introduced the stanza form. Painting from the Tang dynasty period mainly consisted of landscape that was to grasp emotion or atmosphere to catch the "rhythm of nature." Also in the Tang dynasty, Chinese opera was introduced.

In the Song dynasty, poetry was marked by a lyric poetry known as Ci which expressed feelings of desire, often in an adopted persona. Also in the Song dynasty, paintings of more subtle expression of landscapes appeared, with blurred outlines and mountain contours which conveyed distance through an impressionistic treatment of natural phenomena. It was during this period that in painting, emphasis was placed on spiritual rather than emotional elements, as in the previous period. In the Yuan dynasty, painting by the Chinese painter Zhao Mengfu influenced modern Chinese landscape painting, while Yuan dynasty opera became a variant of Chinese opera which continues today as Cantonese opera.

Late imperial China was marked by two specific dynasties: Ming and Qing. Of Ming Dynasty poetry, Gao Qi was acknowledged as the greatest poet of the era. Artwork in the Ming dynasty perfected color painting and color printing, with a wider color range and busier compositions than Song paintings. In the Qing dynasty, Beijing opera was introduced; it is considered the best-known form of Chinese opera. Qing poetry was marked by a poet named Yuan Mei whose poetry has been described as having "unusually clear and elegant language" and who stressed the importance of personal feeling and technical perfection.

Twentieth-century Chinese art was heavily influenced by the New Culture Movement, which adopted Western techniques, introduced oil painting and employed socialist realism. Twentieth-century Chinese poetry was also influenced by the Cultural Revolution but several poets attempted to resist the Cultural Revolution by incorporating pro-democratic themes. Contemporary Chinese artists continue to produce a wide range of experimental works, multimedia installations, and performance "happenings" which have become very popular in the international art market.


Main article: Chinese architecture

Mix of old and new at Jing'an Temple in downtown Shanghai.Chinese architecture, examples of which can be found over 2,000 years ago, has long been a landmark of Chinese culture. There are certain features common to Chinese architecture, regardless of specific region or use.

The most important is its emphasis on the horizontal. In contrast to Western architecture, which tends to grow in height and in depth, Chinese architecture stresses on the width of the buildings. The halls and palaces in the Forbidden City, for example, have rather low ceilings when compared to equivalent stately buildings in the West, but their external appearances suggest the all-embracing nature of imperial China. This of course does not apply to pagodas, which in any case are relatively rare.

Another important feature is its emphasis on symmetry, which connotes a sense of grandeur; this applies to everything from palaces to farmhouses. One notable exception is in the design of gardens, which tends to be as asymmetrical as possible. Like Chinese scroll paintings, the principle underlying the garden's composition is to create enduring flow, to let the patron wander and enjoy the garden without prescription, as in nature herself.

Feng shui designed architecture plays an important role in Chinese Culture. For example, Paifang is a Feng Shui designed gate of China town.

Ceramics and ceramic wares

Chinese porcelain - Porcelain - Potter's wheel - Glazes



Main article: Cinema of China

For many years Hong Kong has been a center of filmmaking. Traditionally, the majority of films made centered around the common themes of martial arts (Wu-xia films), organized crime (in particular Triads), and other traditionally Chinese themes. While these films were always popular in the domestic Hong Kong market, they were also popular around the globe, and especially in the United States. This reached its zenith in the 1970s, when martial arts films were very popular in the United States. Now, in the 2000s, Asian-made films seem to be having a resurgence in popularity abroad. In recent years Mainland China has also become a hotbed of filmmaking with such films as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Hero, and House of Flying Daggers being popular not only in China but around the world. American filmmaker Quentin Tarantino plans to shoot his next film, a traditional Wu-Xia movie, in China and have its dialogue in Mandarin Chinese.

Another genre of films that become better known internationally is those depicting the exotic past of Hong Kong as a colonial city and of China with remarkable traditional symbols, notably under the directors Wong Kar-wai (Mandarin: Wang Jia-Wei) and Zhang Yimou. However, some critics argue that both directors distorted the history so as to make the depiction more appealing.

Detail of Dragon Throne used by the Qianlong Emperor of China, Forbidden City, Qing Dynasty. Artifact circulating in US museums on loan from Beijing[edit]


Main articles: dragon dance


Main article: Music of China



Main article: Chinese

Language and literature

Chinese astrology - Chinese calendar - Chinese classic texts - Chinese constellation - Chinese dragon - Chinese mythology - Chinese New Year - Chinese philosophy - Confucianism - Confucius - Eastern philosophy - Five elements - Futs-Lung - I Ching - Qilin - Lao Zi - Listing of noted Confucianists - Listing of noted Taoists - Lung - Lunisolar calendar - Mohism - Qi - Taoism - Yin Yang - Zhang San Feng



Main articles: Chinese language, Languages of China

The majority of people in China speak one form or another of the Chinese language. In addition to their native local dialect, nearly all can speak Standard Mandarin. There has been ongoing debate as to whether "Chinese" is actually a defined "language" or in fact a family of many languages. The fact this debate exists is not only for political and unity reasons, but also partly due to the fact that written Chinese is a common standard throughtout China. For example a person who only speaks their local dialect is able to communicate with another person from a different area by using written Chinese. Although this written Chinese is itself based on one variety of spoken Chinese; Standard Mandarin or putonghua/guoyu. The written script across China is largely unified, and is the last of its kind that survives as a major language in the contemporary world. It is said, somewhat correctly, that Suzhou people cannot understand Shanghainese, despite them being less than 200km away from each other. This situation could be compared to the difference between French and Spanish.

Chinese character - Chinese numerals - Chinese written language - Classical Chinese - List of Chinese dialects - Pinyin - Zhuyin



Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to:

Chinese proverbsMain article: Chinese literature

Chinese classic texts - Chinese poetry - List of Chinese language poets


China's clothing varies by region, ethnic background, and economic situations. Contemporary urban clothing seemed to have developed an obsession with brand names (Giordano being one of the generic ones). In major urban centres, especially Shanghai, an increased western look is preferred, and there is an emphasis on formal wear over casual wear for adults on the streets. Teenagers prefer brand names. Children usually wear clothes that have a cartoon character.

Han Chinese clothing - Qipao - Ming official headwear - Manchu official headwear - Mandarin square

Contemporary Culture of China

Especially beginning in the late 1980's and early 1990's, China became exposed to more western elements, notably pop culture. American cinema is very popular in China. Young people tend to gather late at night at bars and nightclubs. The obsession with brand names is becoming more apparent by the day, and teen slang is incorporating more and more western language elements.


Main article: Chinese cuisine

American Chinese cuisine - Boba milk tea - Cantonese cuisine - Cardamom - Chinese Buddhist cuisine - Chinese food therapy - Chinese Islamic cuisine - Chiuchow cuisine - Chopsticks - Chop suey - Dim sum - Double steaming - Fingerroot - Five-spice powder - Fortune cookie - Ginger root - Hakka cuisine - Hot salt frying - Hot sand frying - Hunan cuisine - Longan - Lychee - Mandarin cuisine - Monosodium glutamate - Shanghai cuisine - Soy sauce - Stir frying - Szechuan cuisine - Szechuan pepper - Taiwanese cuisine - Tofu - Wok




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